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We, at Shrinathji Groups, are passionate about transparency, reliability, trust, and outstanding customer care - we aren't happy with our creation until you are. We take tremendous care of your needs. We always understand your business goals and needs then we deliver according to your business values. We do that by taking extensive care of our people - talented world-leading web developers and digital marketing specialists who know how to create your online success.

8 Types of Graphic Design Must know to Start Graphic Designing

Here you will get the complete information about the 8 Types of Graphic Design. If you have an interest in sketching and art then you should choose the Graphic Designing field as a career.

  1. Visual Identity Graphic Design
  2. Marketing & Advertising & Advertisement Graphic Design
  3. User Interface Graphic Design
  4. Publication Graphic Design
  5. Packaging & Product  Development Graphic Design
  6. Motion Graphic Design
  7. Environmental Graphic Design
  8. Art and Illustration for Graphic Design
  9. 360 Degrees in Digital Social Media Marketing Post Graphic Design
  10.  Printing Media Graphic Design
  11. Brand Identity Graphic Design
  12. Corporate Branding Graphic Design
  13. Stationary Identity Graphic Design
  14. Landing Page Graphic Design
  15. Landscape Graphic Design
  16. E-Learning Graphic Design

No.1 Graphic Design: Visual Identity Graphic Design

Visual is related to seeing or the thing you see is visualization. Visual design is the front designs which act as face of the product. The designer make image, shapes with attractive colors. These images impact on the costumers and they eager to buy the product of that particular brand.

Designers that expert in visual identity graphic design link with brand presenters and to create logos, patterns, and image with text and colors combination that represents a brand’s qualities. Visual identity graphic designs are most important for visual advertising agencies.

Type of Work Patterns:

  • Make attractive visual design for brand
  • Create a face for the brand
  • Make visual design to show the quality of the brand
  • Customer judge any Company is trustworthy or not by its visual face only. Thus, the best visual designs are great impression.
  • Visual identity graphic designers create visual designs that are suitable for visual media.
  • Visual identity graphic designer’s passion can become boon for the work pattern.

Examples of Visual identity Graphic Design

  • Logo, images
  • Photography
  • Animated images

No.2 Graphic Design: Marketing and Advertising Graphic Design

Marketing and advertising graphic designers make assets with the cooperation of managers, company seniors, and the marketing team. The main motto of the designs related to Marketing and advertising graphic design is to create resources for successful marketing efforts to tap into their target consumers.

Type of Work Patterns:

  • Finalizing the designs with higher authorities.
  • Create resources for the organization to promote the products, services, for marketing strategies.
  • Collaboration with creative marketing team
  • Work patterns related to digital and traditional marketing.
  • Mostly marketing patterns transferred into the digital form especially for use in content marketing and digital advertising on online platforms
  • Traditional marketing work patterns related to Magazine and newspaper ads
  • Digital marketing work patterns related to Social media ads and Email marketing.

Examples of Marketing and advertising Graphic Design

  • Posters, Magazine and newspaper ads
  • PPTs, Email, Social Media Ads.

No.3 Graphic Design: User Interface Graphic Design

UX and UI design jobs are in high demand. UI handles the look of online-related things and UX handles that every UI element works together to create the best user experience. User Interface graphic designer closely work with UX designers.

UI means the design related to User Interface, and it is a bond between a user and a computer program. This is the way through which the user communicates with the program easily and understands the uses of product or services.

Type of Work Patterns:

  • Balance the best connection with technical functionality.
  • UI designer includes all the things a user interacts to provide the best experience.
  • Make web designs and App designs
  • Expert in games designs and desktop designs
  • Must be professionals in understanding the UI and UX principles
  • Must be familiar with the programming languages like HTML, Java, etc.

Examples of User Interface Graphic Design

  • Designs of Web pages
  • WordPress website design
  • Desktop designs and App design

No.4 Graphic Design: Publication Graphic Design

Publications designers make designs that have connectivity with people through public distribution. These designs help to audience to understand the message easily. These designs related to print media for a long time but right now lack of time and also due to the Covid-19 pandemic there is a rise in digital publishing.

Publication designers coordinate with editors and publishers by print medium to create the best ads for publication marketing.

Type of Work Patterns:

  • Design artwork by using graphics and images
  • Work with a publishing house for more designs
  • Work as a freelancer for the marketing department
  • Expert in digital publishing as per the demand
  • Make attractive designs for publication houses that are understandable by the audiences.
  • Newspapers and magazines are important places in day-to-day life thus Publication graphic designers get more job opportunities easily.

Examples of Publication Graphic Design

  • Books, Newspapers, Magazines
  • Reports, and Catalogs

If you want to learn Graphic designing course or any other designing course then click on the download button below.

No.5 Graphic Design: Packaging Graphic Design

Packaging graphic designing is a way to show the quality of the product or services. The perfect packaging saves the product from damage and helps in storing it for future sale. The attractive packaging designs show the hard work, honesty, and quality of the brand.

Thus, consumers build faith in the brands if they get it fine and with good packaging.  In simple words, the packaging of any brand tells its whole and real story behind it.

Type of Work Patterns:

  • Packaging needs the designs as per the manufacturing of the products
  • Packaging designs are the best marketing tool to attract the target consumers
  • Packaging designers create ideas to make print-ready designs for any product.
  • Must be an expert in industrial design and manufacturing.
  • Make the design with images as per need or as per consumers
  • Make designs as per the trend and meet the demand of the manufacturer and client.

Examples of Packaging Graphic Design

  • Labels of cold drinks
  • Food items related to children of different age groups
  • Packaging related to trendy products like online gadgets

No.6 Graphic Design: Motion Graphic Design

Motion means movement thus the designs related to Motion graphic design are movable designs like animation, video, etc. Motion graphic designs are great trend to market the products because people attract easily with Motion graphic design. These designs are made for TV, online media, etc.

Motion graphic design is the new way to attract targets, and now it’s very trendy for online platforms. Thus, the Motion graphic designers are getting many job opportunities.

Type of Work Patterns:

  • Designers make a short story to show the quality and benefits of the product and services.
  • Story displayed on TV, films, and online platforms with animated or real characters.
  • The animated designs are liked by the children and celebs are liked by the youth. Thus, a Motion graphic designer must know the trend for client taste.
  • 3D and coding knowledge is required for making the best Motion graphic designs.

Examples of Motion Graphic Design

  • Logos with animation
  • Trailers and promotions
  • Presentations
  • Video and Apps

No.7 Graphic Design: Environmental Graphic Design

Environmental graphic designs are for the Environment by people gets to know the exact way to reach the exact location without any problem Environmental graphic designers make the places interesting for the unforgettable experience for people with that place.

Getting on the right direction is a specific type of environmental graphic design that related to signs, landmarks, etc. These types of designs are wide which are for the maximum people.

Type of Work Patterns:

  • Designers make sign language designs to explain the right way
  • Designs made as per the interior and landscape
  • Collaboration is needed with people related to the place where the design is being made.
  • Knowledge needed for architectural designs
  • Familiar with digital designs for future growth
  • Designers have knowledge of industrial design

Examples of Environmental Graphic Design

  • Exhibitions
  • Designs executed directly on a wall
  • Office branding
  • Stadium and event spaces

No.8 Graphic Design: Art and illustration Graphic Design

Art and illustration graphic design means making designs clearer by using images and art. The designer makes designs for fine art, decoration, and storytelling pictures. Designers coordinate with editors and marketers to get the directions for any type of graphic design.

Companies hire graphic designers who are best at making designs in any form for their products or services. Art and illustration graphic designers have skills related to fine arts and animation designs.

Type of Work Patterns:

  • Must have knowledge of art and motion designs
  • Need the knowledge of architectural designs
  • Work as a graphic artist to make accurate designs
  • Work of illustrators necessary for the designs
  • The use of techniques is the best way to make art
  • Any type of media can be used to market the designs

Examples of Art and illustration Graphic Design

  • Patterns and Motion graphics
  • Video games
  • Websites designs
  • Picture books
  • T-shirt design
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